What is an XM Ultra Low account?


What is an XM Ultra Low account? – XM Ultra-Low Trading account formerly known as Zero account is offered specially for scalping traders. The main advantage of this trading account is its spread is relatively low compare to other available trading accounts.

Here is a quick snapshot of the Ultra Low Account

Base Currency EUR, USD, GBP, AUD, ZAR, SGD
Contract Size standard Ultra: 1 Lot = 100,000
Leverage 1:1 to 1:888
Spread on all majors As Low as 0.6 Pips
Maximum open/pending orders 300 Positions
Minimum trade volume Standard Ultra: 0.01 Lots
Micro Ultra: 0.1 Lots
Lot restriction Standard Ultra: 50 Lots
Micro Ultra: 100 Lots
Minimum Deposit 50$

How to Register XM Ultra Low account? The process is very easy and simple. Please visit the broker’s official Website – www.xm.com and please navigate to XM Ultra-Low Account and click the “Open An Account” button and follow the onscreen instructions. If you face any difficulties then please refer XM Registration article.

If you have already registered then please open your client cabinet and you can register Ultra Low Trading Account from your Dashboard with a few simple clicks.

XM Ultra Low account is mainly for those who are interested in scalping. As the spread of this trading account is low so, scalpers take such advantages in their trading. Like other trading accounts, the ultra-low account offers commission-free and Swap-free trading.

If you want to cross-check other trading accounts of this broker then you can check it from XM Trading Accounts.

If you want to know more regarding this broker, then please have a look at our Website’s XM Broker Section. Also, you can check our XM Broker FAQ for the most common answers.

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